A Guide to the Common Mosses and Liverworts of Alberta
Brittney Miller
Mosses and Liverworts (Bryophytes) are ubiquitous across Alberta, hiding in crevices of sidewalks, thriving in moist shaded ravines and boreal wetlands, and even sunbathing on boulders in the mountains. They form diverse miniature worlds with captivating beauty and are a fun challenge to identify. The photos, details, and explained technical terms in this guide will make bryophyte identification accessible to all who want to discover the exquisiteness of bryophytes!
This field guide includes:
- 170 of the most common Alberta mosses and liverworts
- An illustrated key to help you find the names of the plants you find
- Species descriptions with field features in non-technical and botanical technical terms
- Habitat information and maps of regions where you could find each plant growing
- A list of species that each plant could be easily confused with
- Field photos, watercolor drawings, and leaf images showing all the features needed for identification